Breakdown in the relationship between thermal and thermodynamic stability in an interleukin-1 beta point mutant modified in a surface loop.


Sequence variants of the beta-barrel protein interleukin-1 beta have been analyzed for their stabilities toward irreversible thermal inactivation by monitoring the generation of light scattering aggregates on heating. The derived temperatures for the onset of aggregation (T(agg) values) correlate well with the free energies of unfolding of these proteins with the exception of one variant, Lys97-->Val (K97V), which undergoes aggregation at a temperature 7 degrees C lower than expected based on its thermodynamic stability. This lower than expected thermal stability may be due to generation of an aggregation-prone unfolding intermediate at a temperature lower than the Tm of the global transition. This hypothesis is supported by the location of residue 97 in the long 86-99 loop which has structural features suggesting it may comprise a small, independent folding unit or microdomain. The excellent correlation of thermal and thermodynamic stabilities of seven of the eight variants tested is consistent with accepted models for thermal inactivation of proteins. At the same time the poor fit of the K97V variant underscores the risk in using thermal stability data in quantitative analysis of mutational studies of the folding stability of proteins.

Submission Details

ID: T35CrH3W4

Submitter: Shu-Ching Ou

Submission Date: Oct. 23, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

Version: 1

Publication Details
Chrunyk BA;Wetzel R,Protein Eng (1993) Breakdown in the relationship between thermal and thermodynamic stability in an interleukin-1 beta point mutant modified in a surface loop. PMID:8248096
Additional Information

Structure view and single mutant data analysis

Study data

No weblogo for data of varying length.
Colors: D E R H K S T N Q A V I L M F Y W C G P

Data Distribution

Studies with similar sequences (approximate matches)

Correlation with other assays (exact sequence matches)

Relevant UniProtKB Entries

Percent Identity Matching Chains Protein Accession Entry Name
100.0 Interleukin-1 beta P01584 IL1B_HUMAN
96.1 Interleukin-1 beta P48090 IL1B_MACMU
95.4 Interleukin-1 beta P51493 IL1B_MACNE
95.4 Interleukin-1 beta P79182 IL1B_MACFA
94.8 Interleukin-1 beta P46648 IL1B_CERAT